What’s the Difference Between Domain Name and Web Hosting (Explained)

The Difference Between a Domain and Web Hosting.

Our readers regularly request that we clarify the difference between a domain name and web hosting.
Many newbies are unaware that these two concepts are distinct.

We shall explain the distinction between a domain name and web hosting in this beginner's guide.

Difference between domain name and web hosting

What is a Domain Name?

A domain name is the address of your website/webpage that people type into the URL bar of their device browser to search.

In other words, think your website were a house, the address would be your domain name.

Let us now go on to the thorough explanation.

The Internet is essentially a massive network of computers linked together by wires. Each machine is issued a sequence of numbers known as IP Addresses in order to be easily identified.

IP address is mainly composed of digits separated by dots. In most cases, IP addresses are formatted as follows:


Computers can quickly recognise and memorise these numbers. Humans, on the other hand, are incapable of remembering and using these numbers to connect to websites on the internet.

Domain names were created to address this issue.

A domain name can contain terms that help people remember website addresses.

If you want to visit a website on the internet, you no longer need to type a string of numbers. Instead, enter an easy-to-remember domain name, such as godaddy.com.


What is Web Hosting?

What is web hosting?

Web hosting is where all of your website's content is kept. It is similar to your website's actual residence.

If the domain name is the address of your house, then web hosting is the real house to which the addresses refer. Web hosting is required for all websites on the internet.

When someone puts your web address into a browser, it is converted into the IP address of the computer at your web hosting business. This machine stores your website's files and sends them to the users' browsers.

Web hosting firms specialize in the storage and delivery of web pages. Users can order from a number of hosting plans.

How Domain Names and Web Hosting are Related?

Domains and web hosting are not the same things. They do, however, come together to make sites possible.

A domain system is clearly a massive address book that is kept up to date.. Each domain name contains the URL of the web hosting service that stores the website's files.

People cannot find your website without domain names, and you cannot develop a website without web hosting.

As a result, several of the biggest domain name registrars also provide web hosting services.

What do I need to Build a Website? Domain Name or Web Hosting?

What you need to build a website?

A domain name and a web hosting account are required to create a website.

Buying a domain name only gives you the right to use it for a certain time (usually 1 year).

Web hosting is required to store the files on your website. Once you have purchased hosting, you must update your domain name settings and point it to your web hosting service provider.

You can also order/buy both the domain and the hosting as well from the same provider. A domain name typically costs $14.99 per year, while web hosting typically costs $7.99 per month.

This may appear intimidating if this is your first website.

Do I have to buy them together? Or can I buy them separately?

A domain name and web hosting can be obtained from two separate domain and hosting providers. In that scenario, you must point your domain name to your web hosting provider by modifying its DNS settings.

If, on the other hand, you get your domain name and web hosting from the same firm, you won't have to adjust your domain name settings.

It is also far more convenient to manage and renew both services from the same panel.

If you want to acquire domain names independently, you can do so from reputable companies such as Domain.com, Network Solutions, Godaddy, and NameCheap.

Can I Transfer My Domain Name to a New Company?

Moving domain name

You certainly can. When you register a domain name, you typically hold the right to use and transfer it wherever you choose.

For example, suppose you got your domain name from Domain.com and your hosting from Bluehost. You want to transfer your domain name to Bluehost to make it easier to maintain and renew.

That is simple to accomplish. Both companies offer thorough step-by-step guidelines for transferring your domain name.

We recommend waiting at least 45 days after registration or renewal prior to starting the transfer. When a transfer is initiated, ICANN, the international domain name organization, mandates an annual renewal. You risk losing your domain name if you transfer it before that period.

Can I Transfer My Website to a Different Web Hosting Company Without Changing the Domain?

You certainly can. When you register a domain name, you typically hold the right to use and transfer it wherever you choose.

For example, suppose you got your domain name from Domain.com and your hosting from Bluehost. You want to transfer your domain name to Bluehost to make it easier to maintain and renew.

That is simple to accomplish. Both organizations provide extensive step-by-step instructions for transferring your domain name.

We recommend you wait at least 40-45 days after registering or renewing before initiating the transfer. When a transfer is initiated, ICANN, the international authority that governs domain names, requires a one-year renewal. If you transfer your domain name before that time, you risk losing it.

To begin, you must create a WordPress hosting account. Following that, you can transfer your site from WordPress.com to WordPress.org. Finally, on WordPress.com, modify your domain name settings and point them to your new WordPress hosting provider.

We hope this post has helped you understand the distinction between a domain name and web hosting. You might also be interested in our comparison of popular website builders for beginners, complete with pros and cons.

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