15 Ways to Earn Money Online from Home Without Investment/Zero investment

15 Easy Ways to Make Money Online

This list contains five methods by which I have made money during the last ten years. I attempted a couple legitimate avenues previously, but I am no longer working due to time constraints.

Finally, there are other tactics I've never tried, but I know they're the best, and hundreds of people use them to make money online.

1. Make Money by Blogging

I've been blogging for about 11 years and making money from it. I've made over $2 million dollars via blogging.

But when I first started blogging, I was a little confused.

When I launched my first blog in 2011, I had no idea what I was going to do. I worked really hard on my site but generated no money for about a year.

But I refused to give up! On Google, I looked for things such as:

  • how to write a blog
  • how to search content for your blog
  • how to promote your blog on the internet for better traffic
  • how to earn money by blogging

I learned a lot of things about blogging during that  12 months.

After some time, things began to turn in my favor. In 2011, I made my first $100+ from blogging (through Google AdSense). There was no turning back. Today, I earn around $25,000 (Rs 15 Lacs+) every month from blogging.

2. Becoming a YouTuber

YouTube is the hottest trend in 2022. Everyone aspires to be a YouTuber. Everyone wants to make a lot of money and gain recognition on YouTube.

You don't have to give up your job, studies, or other commitments to become a YouTuber. You can also do it part-time and earn enough money.

if you want to be a successful YouTuber, follow these steps:

Step 1: Decide a niche.

As I create digital marketing videos on my channel Pritam Nagrale, you must decide on the topics for your films.

On YouTube, you can select a niche such as comedy videos, motivation, self-help, vlogs, interview series, kitchen recipes, health, how-to videos, travel recommendations, news channels, sports, gaming, or something similar.

Step 2: Make your Channel

Make a YouTube channel with your name on it. Include an eye-catching profile picture and banner image. Edit your bio area and include some useful information about yourself.

Step 3: Make videos

It's preferable if you have a professional camera, but your smartphone camera can suffice. To shoot high-quality videos, find a quiet location with adequate lighting.

Step 4: Promotion of your videos.

Though YouTube will try to promote your videos, you may obtain views and subscribers quickly if you put in the effort. You may begin advertising it by emailing it to your friends and contacts on social media platforms such as WhatsApp, Facebook, and Instagram.

A solid title, description, and thumbnail will also help your films gain more views.

Step 5: Monetizing your videos

You can apply for the YouTube plays advertisements in your videos and pays for the number of views your video receives once your channel has 1000 subscribers and 4000 hours of video views within 12 months.

Companies will start approaching you for sponsoring and ads after you have 5000 or 10,000 subscribers.

For sponsoring one video, they pay Rs.5000 to Rs.10,000 to tiny publishers and more than a lac to giant influencers.

3. Affiliate Marketing

When I first started my internet job in 2017, affiliate marketing was a good method to generate money. It is still the most profitable internet business.

Affiliate marketing promotes and sells the items of online retailers such as Amazon, eBay, Clickbank, and thousands more.

To market my affiliate items, I use a variety of channels, including my blogs and MoneyConnexxion, YouTube channels, an email list, and other micro affiliate sites.

I also utilize paid marketing, such as Google Ads and Native ads, to advertise some profitable affiliate programs that pay $50 or more per sale or lead.

There are other platforms you may utilize to promote affiliate programs, such as Pinterest, Quora, Medium, and Instagram.

Thousands of affiliates earn $5000 or more per month marketing numerous affiliate programs and networks such as Amazon, CJ, ShareASale, Clickbank, finance and crypto affiliate programs, and many more.

4. Freelancing

Freelancing is a great work-from-home option in which you work independently for your clients on short-term contracts. Depending on the mutual understanding, it might sometimes be permanent.

You basically sell your abilities to your clientele here. Before you can work as a freelancer, you must have competence in a specific industry. You can provide free postings freelancers make between $1000 and $5000 per month based on parameters like freelance work, client budget, amount of hours worked per day, and so on.

There are about 25-30 major freelance sites, such as People Per Hour, UpWork, Fiverr, WorkNHire, and so on. These platforms can provide you with a large number of clients.

However, these platforms are highly competitive. Before charging exorbitant fees to your clients, you must first develop an appealing profile, give your services at reasonable prices, and collect some positive feedback from them.

5. Earn Money from Online Surveys

Do you know you can get money by doing internet surveys? It takes 5 minutes to 10 minutes, or sometimes 30 minutes, to finish a survey, based on its length.

If you wish to generate money using this strategy, you can join a variety of market research companies.

These businesses give you easy online surveys in which you provide feedback on various items or services. Your feedback assists these companies in developing high-quality products.

An online survey is simple to complete because it simply presents you with many options from which to choose. Because it is your view, there is no incorrect or right answer.

You can earn $1 to $20 for each survey you complete. You should include as many facts as possible in your profile so that firms may learn more about you and offer you additional surveys that are relevant to your profile.

6. Become Captcha Solver

Do you have 1-2 hours of free time per day? If so, you can supplement your income by working as a captcha solver.

One of the simplest methods to get money online is to solve captchas. Here, you must read the captcha images and type the exact same characters into the software.

These sites will pay you $2 to $3 for every 1000 captchas you solve. You can solve more captchas every hour if your typing is decent.

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7. Earn Money by becoming a Virtual Assistant

A virtual assistant (VA) serves as a personal assistant to his clients. Clients can be both temporary and permanent. You must follow your clients' directions and work properly.

This online job does not require you to be physically present.

Accounting, writing & editing, publishing content, maintaining websites or applications, digital marketing, coding, website & app development, research, data entry, and more services are available to your clients.

Some companies that provide VA jobs include MyTasker, uAssistMe, HireMyMom, 123Employee, and others. Simply register on these websites and construct an appealing profile. You can certainly obtain one or two projects in the following 30 days/

8. Doing writing Job

Another fantastic and popular approach to making money online is through writing. You can get paid to write numerous forms of material on this site.

You can write articles for blogs, generate content for social media pages, copy, screenplays, books, and so on for businesses, institutions, and individuals.

For 1000 words of content, most writers make $10 to $50. Before you demand a high fee for content writing, you must have prior experience.

If you believe that you cannot generate money from writing jobs because you lack writing talents, you are mistaken.

It is simple to learn this skill and become a writer.

There are numerous platforms where you may find content writing jobs and writing projects, such as UpWork, iWriter, WriterBay, freelance writing, and TextBroker.

9. Micro Jobs

If you're looking for a simpler option, micro-jobs are another choice. You can easily earn $200 to $300 each month by performing basic online chores on several websites.

Signing up for a website, installing an app, viewing a video, identifying an object, checking ad ratings and locating contact information, doing some research, producing 100 to 200-word articles, and so on.

You can sign up as a micro-job worker on websites such as Amazon Mechanical Turk, MicroWorker, SEOClerk, and others. These websites can help you supplement your income.

10. Online Selling

I published an interview video (which went viral) with an online seller, Mr. Nimit Lodha, last year. Mr. Nimit is an Amazon and Flipkart vendor with a Rs. 50 crore annual revenue.

Digital marketing is not the same as traditional selling. Traditional methods of making sales outside of your local area are limited, but online selling allows you to sell your products and services all over the country and even globally.

There are 2 great ways to sell your products online.

The first option is to develop an e-commerce website for your company and sell your goods through it. The second option is to become a seller on Amazon, Flipkart, or other popular online shopping sites.

The second method is far superior and more straightforward. You are not required to seek out customers. These reputable internet retailers can provide you with millions of existing clients.

if you think what if I don't have any product?

Many Amazon and Flipkart vendors do not own any products, but they offer a variety of products on these platforms and make a profit.

What you may do is go to your local market and look for unique things to sell on Amazon or Flipkart. For example, if you go to Manish Market in Mumbai, you may discover many of the top things at a significantly lower price than on Amazon.

Another alternative is to import low-cost goods from neighboring countries.

Amazon and other retail portals have a lot of competition. To be a successful seller, you must strike a balance between your price and profit margin.

11. Domain Trading

Domain trading is one of the most profitable enterprises if you have good analytical skills and buy domains that may be worth a lot in the future and are still available to buy.

Last year, I was conducting some casual web domain eligibility research and came upon a good name. Despite the fact that I am not involved in domain trading, I reserved it.

A few days later, I received a message asking me to sell this domain name. I initiated the conversation despite my lack of experience.

He first offered me $500, but I declined; he then wrote me a follow-up email asking for my asking price.

I offered him $4000, but after some haggling, I agreed to sell the domain for $2000.

I paid $17 for it and sold it for $2000, a profit of about 115 times.

That is why domain traders make thousands of dollars selling domain names every month.

If you actively seek for and purchase quality domains, you can sell them to firms for a very high price in the future.

When a corporation discovers that the domain it is seeking is accessible through you, it will send you an offer to purchase it. Now you must determine a price based on demand and negotiate with the corporation, as I did in my case.

You may even sell these names at auction on Flippa or GoDaddy.

12. Website Flipping

Website flipping is another profitable online business. It's similar to domain trading, but with websites instead.

That is, you must acquire a website and then sell it for a better price in the future. You can use many platforms for website flipping, such as Flippa Empire Flippers.

On these platforms, you will find thousands of buyers interested in purchasing your website for 40 to 50 times the price of your average monthly earnings.

For example, if your website generates a net profit of $500 from AdSense, affiliate networks, or both, you can sell it for $20,000 to $25,000.

On these platforms, there are two ways to sell a website.

The first is to create a new blog, work on it for 6 to 12 months, monetize it with AdSense and affiliate programs for the next 3 to 4 months, and then sell it.

The second option is to purchase an existing website with some traffic and revenue from Flippa, work on it for 3 to 6 months, raise the profit, and then resell it on Flippa.

This is a lot better method because it is much easier to increase the profit of an existing website with traffic than it is to create a new website.

Many skilled flippers buy such profitable websites from Flippa or other marketplaces and resell them for a large profit.

13. Sell training & consultancy

Do you have any skills that people desperately need? You could be an expert in the stock market, certain subjects, meditation, motivation, financial management, nutrition, entrepreneurship, and so on.

There is a lot of potentials if you produce training or a course based on your talent and sell it online. People are making thousands of dollars delivering such courses on Facebook or Instagram.

You can develop a landing page for your company where you can describe your product and how it will benefit customers who purchase it.

Simply direct Facebook or Instagram visitors to your product page and sell it in India and other countries.

You can also get free traffic through YouTube, Google search, and a variety of other social media networks.

14. Stock & Forex Trading

Other profitable ways to make money include stock trading and currency trading. However, if you are a beginner, I urge that you receive some basic training before investing your money.

There are several free and paid stock market training courses available on Google and YouTube. You should exercise caution before purchasing any course because there are so-called gurus who have made no money but claim to be millionaires.

To learn more about the financial market, you can start reading newspapers like Economic Times, watching TV stations like CNBC, and subscribing to YouTube channels. Investing in equities, forex, cryptos, or NFTs without sufficient understanding may be dangerous.

15. Earn money from your Smartphone

There are numerous money-making apps available in the Google Play and iOS stores that can provide you with extra cash for doing simple activities on your mobile device.

You can earn an extra $100 to $300 each month if you install and utilize it on your mobile device.

Millions of people have given these smartphone apps four or five stars. You are not required to install all of the apps. Start with a few apps and then add more if you like them.

What to do after installing these apps?

You must conduct easy online surveys, install additional apps, complete numerous offers, sign up for additional websites, play games, view videos, and so on.

Simply generate money while traveling, sitting in a restaurant, or waiting for someone.


I can promise you that these are the best ways to generate money online and that this year is the ideal year to do so. Many of these ways have helped me generate money. So, if you begin now, you will have a secure career in one or two years. GUARANTEED. financing content writing, digital marketing, graphic design, app development, and other services

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